The Ukraine War has been going on for three years. There is no sign of Peace yet. Russia seems victorious on the battlefield, which is detrimental to peace. Why? Russia now occupies 20% of Ukraine’s land. It is hard for any country to accept peace at that price. In addition, Russia’s image in international war will be tarnished as an invader. Russia’s war slogans such as denazification, protection of ethnic Russian and Russian language rights, and Russia’s security concerns. The more Russia occupies lands the more international communities support Ukraine’s right to defend itself. In addition, Russia has to spend a lot on weapons, human resources, and financial support to keep the occupied lands. It will lead to a prolonged war.

Peace only comes when Russia and Ukraine proactively contact each other to address each other’s concerns. They shouldn’t wait for the US or other countries to mediate their war. Their citizens and lands will have been destroyed as the war goes on.
Why did the war happen in Ukraine not Belarus? Because the Belarusian president is so smart, he didn’t provoke Russia. When Belarus had mass protests in its country to demand the country to ally with the West, he suppressed the protests to avoid Belarus going to Ukraine’s path. In international eyes, Belarus is a vassal state of Russia. A vassal state like Belarus is not bad. It has Russia’s protection, financial support, and peace. In Ukraine’s war, no Belarussian soldiers have been sacrificed. Ukraine is independent from Russia. Do Ukrainians have more freedoms than Belarussians? No, Ukrainians face life uncertainty and future uncertainty. Ukraine should wait like Belarus until Putin and his circles are no longer in power. The younger Russian leaders will not have the same ideas as Putin. They will have to rethink why we need vassal states. The vassal states cost a lot of money and human resources. Look at France and the UK had a lot of vassal states one hundred years ago. The vassal states made them bankrupt, so they abandoned many vassal states.
The Ukraine made a big mistake. Ukraine and Russia were good neighbors, brothers. A good neighbor shouldn’t join a military alliance against its neighbor.