Should Female Students Wear Hijab?

The hijab is a head cover for traditional Muslim women. Many Islamic countries require female students to wear hijabs. In the West or many secular countries, many people consider wearing hijabs as a sign of oppression. In many Islamic countries, people believe that wearing hijabs is moral.

Few years ago, a college student was arrested in Iran for not wearing properly hijab. She died in the detention that galvanized the protesting around Iran. Many protests led violence and caused hundreds people dead. Is it moral to force girls from nine years old to wear hijabs in Iran? What religions or cultures do they justify to violate the fundamental rights of children? The head and hair are not sensitive parts of body need to cover. Look at the pictures below:

We can see clearly the little girl who didn’t wear hijab look more freedom than the other. It depends who you ask, if you ask me, I can tell you hijab oppressed a little girl. Why? She didn’t have the right not to wear what she didn’t want. Her parents and Islamic government forced or indoctrinated her to wear the hijab. Let children be children. Don’t indoctrinate them many outdated religious laws or cultures that violate their rights.

I don’t care what religious laws in any religious books say about. We need to have commonses to see what religious laws should to practice or not.

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